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Writer's pictureeternalaquarius

Technology v Rusty v Mental Health

As an ex IT person, technology moves very fast, it can be hard to keep up.  On the plus side it makes my tax return easier, as I can’t do maths. And I mean, I really really struggle. 3 year olds know more than I do. But im a wizz on an excel spreadsheet

Keeping some things “old school” I find works better for me. I like to ring people and talk, as a text or message, isn’t always the way to communicate. And personally, it’s good to talk. These days, we don’t do it often enough.

Relying on whatsapp, social medial platforms etc, to keep in touch. Totally attached to our phones with notifications lighting up every 5 minutes.

I personally don't use my phones (1 x personal 1 x business) for a lot, apart from messaging and ringing, ooh and photos. Everything is on my laptop, for my mental health. Its so i can shut it down, walk away and be present, in my own life

I like a paper diary. It’s not just a diary for me, it’s where I keep my shopping list, receipts, business cards and some rather stupid things too. My friends take my diary out my handbag, Find a space and put a lunch date appointments in it. so we can catch up! but its not just lunch dates, it about their writing and the other funny stuff they put in it. It may be something you would find too bulky or heavy. To me, it’s just fine

My kettle is not electric. I heat it on my gas hob. The whistle blowing when it boils, is such a great sound, it makes my heart sing. It also reminds me of my Gran

Turning the pages of a book. The smell and feel of the paper. Using a bookmark. Reading a map. Yes I use sat nave sometimes. But a map is so much fun.  There again not using a map or satnav and getting lost is great too. You find all kinds of new and different places.

A handkerchief. Yes I’ve got tissues. But my Grans, hand embroidered hankies, are super soft and nice. i also use them in my "Meditation for Mental Health," class, as an anxiety tool

Hand written letters and cards? We all have to learn to read and write. But use a pin number/password, for most other things. When I see old scrolls or documents, the writing is incredible. The story of grandparents love letters during the war, come with so much sentiment. My deeds to my house are incredible! I still like writing in cards too

We all use technology.  I thank the inventors of the car, washing machine and microwave daily!

I don’t think scrubbing my smalls, on the banks of a river or lake would be suitable for me.

It would take too long to wash all the Bath sheets I use for massages. 

Hearing that ping, when I’m running round getting ready in between clients and classes is a relief, Grateful, I have something hot to eat in a minute or three.

Board games, vinyl records, upcycling, hand made and handcrafted are making a comeback.

Did they ever really go away? Or were we lead to believe, they should be a part of the past?

More and more people, are crafting, baking, knitting, gardening, woodworking, bee keeping, as part of their well being and mental health. Something i encourage during my classes too.

There again, online games can be good for co ordination, response and other mental stimulus.

Do you find technology helps or hinders you:? Have you found the balance?

Are you spending too much time on it, instead of looking around and smelling the roses?

Actually seeing, smelling and feeling what’s around you?

The photos are of my bespoke, hand made, hand crafted diary. I absolutely love it. I can see the stitching details and the love that’s gone onto making it. I can turn the paper pages and I like to write in pencil, rather than use a pen.

If wifi technology goes down , I don’t worry about who my next client is and what personal appointments ive got scheduled. For me personally, you can really shove your technology diary/calendar

Clearly these are my personal thoughts and yours will be different, as they should be. 

What are your thoughts?

Love Rusty

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